This is a guest post written by Real Food Carolyn at!
Essential oils aren’t just for people! Our beloved fur babies can also benefit. Here are my four favorites ways to use essential oils with our pup.
Our Charley is a pretty low-key pup but when we travel by car he seems to stay on high-alert. It’s like he feels that he needs to watch where we’re going in case he needs to take over the driving at some point. Ha! But this translates into him being overly active and wanting to be up toward the front of the car which can block my view. So to help him settle in the back seat where its safer for him and for me, I like to apply a mixture of Radha Beauty Lavender essential oil (diluted with water) to his back. My recipe is 20 drops Lavender in a 2 ounce spray bottle of water. I spritz a little of the mixture on my hands then run my hands over his fur along the spine. Within minutes, he’s calmer and settled in for a lovely – and safe – drive.
As the seasons change from Winter to Spring or Summer to Fall, Charley can develop “the itchies” … Poor guy! I’ve found that a mixture of Radha Beauty’s Lavender, Lemon, and Peppermint essential oils (heavily diluted with water or coconut oil) can be applied topically to the itchy areas and he stops the scratching pronto! A safe dilution ratio is 1 part essential oils to 50 parts carrier for an average-sized, healthy dog. See more about dilution below.
The fleas and ticks are gearing up for quite a party this summer – yuck – so we will be diligent with my combo of Terrashield outdoor blend mixed with Peppermint, Cedarwood, and Lemongrass essential oils. Again, following the ratio of 1 part essential oils to 50 parts carrier. This mixture will be applied to Charley’s legs and paws when we venture out to risky areas. Another great spot is on the collar or using an oil-diffusing tag!
The unique design of a dog’s ears can sometimes result in some ear yuck, especially as the seasons change or when our pups are in contact with water. At the first sign of issues, I create a mixture of fractionated coconut oil with these Radha Beauty essential oils: Lavender, Melaleuca, Geranium, and Frankincense. One to 2 drops of each with the appropriate amount of carrier oil; then I apply the blend around the base of each ear, front and back, two or three times a day as needed.
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